Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Error Identification 4

Identify the wrong verb. Write the correct verb form.
Incorrect : She went to the class and scold them.
Correct : She went to the class and scolded them.

  1. They talked noisily until the chairman call for silence.
  2. I went to his house and talk to him yesterday.
  3. I want to visit him but could not make it.
  4. You were never around when I need you.
  5. The teacher gave us a lot of homework and tell us to finish it.
  6. She could not decide which dress to buy but in the end she pick a red outfit.
  7. I was very happy when I receive her letter.
  8. Most of the people killed in road accidents were careless or do not obey traffic rules.
  9. Whenever my neighbor goes to New Jersey, she asked me to feed her pets.
  10. Before I could give her the message, Tramell has left the office.
  11. The window pane broke when someone throws a stone at it.
  12. When I wrote a letter, I usually use a black ball-point pen.
  13. We could not find her and neither do we know where she was.
  14. There had been occasions in the past when examinations have to be postponed due to floods.
  15. I sprang to my feet when I hear someone screaming.


  1. They talked noisily until the chairman called for silence.
  2. I went to his house and talked to him yesterday.
  3. I wanted to visit him but could not make it.
  4. You were never around when I needed you.
  5. The teacher gave us a lot of homework and told us to finish it.
  6. She could not decide which dress to buy but in the end she picked a red outfit.
  7. I was very happy when I received her letter.
  8. Most of the people killed in road accidents were careless or did not obey traffic rules.
  9. Whenever my neighbor goes to New Jersey, she asks me to feed her pets.
  10. Before I could give her the message, Tramell had left the office.
  11. The window pane broke when someone threw a stone at it.
  12. When I write a letter, I usually use a black ball-point pen.
  13. We could not find her and neither did we know where she was.
  14. There had been occasions in the past when examinations had to be postponed due to floods.
  15. I sprang to my feet when I heard someone screaming.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever my neighbor goes to New Jersey, she asks me to feed her pets
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