Saturday, October 5, 2019


Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. Use each word once only

(A) due     (D) but              (G) only              (K) before         (N) on
(B) almost (E) between         (H) the              (L) when         (P) the
(C) by       (F) so                (J) of                (M) from                (Q) for

The Orochimaru Bridge is a suspension bridge. This means that the roadway is suspended ___1___ concrete pillars by cables. The pillars have to be tall enough to support the whole weight of the bridge. These pillars had to be built to withstand not ___2___ waves of tsunamic proportion but also high-speed winds and possibly even violent earthquakes. The bridge has already survived one earthquake: its span was extended ___3___ more than 5 meters by the Hokage earthquake of 1997.

The cables weigh seventy thousand tons and have a diameter of ___4___ six meters each. Each cable contains 350 hexagonal strands; each strand is composed of 147 steel wires. The total length of the wire used is enough to circle ___5___ Earth 7.5 times !

The first plans to connect Hokage to Sasuke via Hitachi Island were raised in 1967 ___6___ it took the government thirty years to decide to build the bridge. The next five years were spent surveying the site ___7___ construction started in 1985. In designing the bridge, special consideration was given to its effect ___8___ the surroundings. The design emphasizes much on the 'pleasing balance ___9___ light and shade' and also on the choice ___10___ the right color.


1M   2G   3C   4B   5P   6D   7K   8N   9E   10J

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