Thursday, October 10, 2019

Error Identification 3

In each of the sentences, there is an error. Point out the error and then correct it.

  1. Madam Wu has an eight-years-old daughter.
  2. I have just returned from a ten-months vacation.
  3. She arranged the furnitures in this office.
  4. The vermin is swarming.
  5. I teach English language.
  6. Look at this letter's format !
  7. She bought a sack of rices.
  8. The little girl drinks two milks every day.
  9. These cattle is his.
  10. Ben's friend gave him some advices.


  1. Madam Wu has an eight-year-old daughter.
  2. I have just returned from a ten-month vacation.
  3. She arranged the furniture in this office.
  4. The vermin are swarming.
  5. I teach the English language.
  6. Look at the format of this letter.
  7. She bought a sack of rice.
  8. The little girl drinks two bottles of milk every day.
  9. These cattle are his.
  10. Ben's friend gave him some advice.

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